CBSE Class 12 Maths Syallabus

Mathematics is one of the most challenging and important subject. Every student should know the CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Syllabus with list of topics and examination pattern. Understanding and practicing the problems helps to enhance the application, analytical and problem-solving skills.

It is one of the key subject that plays vital role in student’s career. The syllabus contains an overview of the topics which students have to study. Regular practice of Mathematical problems for class 12 helps students to acquire knowledge and critical understanding, particularly by way of motivation and visualization, of basic concepts, terms, principles, symbols and mastery of underlying processes and skills.

The Class 12 syllabus helps the students to make a proper plan through out the curriculum and prepare for the examination. It also helps the students to understand how many topics and sub topics they have to cover. This chapter wise study material has been compiled by the teachers after proper review of the latest syllabus from CBSE Board. It is designed in such a way that it helps the students to understand the overall structure of the course.

Students also advised to take the mock test to evaluate their skills and performance. It also helps the students to develop positive attitude to think, analyze and articulate logically.

The below tabs provides the useful information of the Mathematics syllabus on topics and sub topics. It helps the students to download all the topics of Mathematics for class 12. Click on the links provided to get the latest curriculum of class 12 subject and chapter wise Mathematics topics and sub topics.

CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Syllabus

CBSE Class 12 Maths Chapters - Part 1

ChapterNameFile Download
Chapter 1Relations and Functionslemh101
Chapter 2Inverse Trigonometric Functionslemh102
Chapter 3Matriceslemh103
Chapter 4Determinantslemh104
Chapter 5Continuity and Differentiabilitylemh105
Chapter 6Application of Derivativeslemh106
Appendix 1Proofs in Mathematicslemh1a1
Appendix 2Mathematical Modellinglemh1a2
PrelimsMathematical Text Book for Class 12lemh1ps

CBSE Class 12 Maths Chapters - Part 2

ChapterNameFile Download
Chapter 7Integralslemh201
Chapter 8Application of Integralslemh202
Chapter 9Differential Equationslemh203
Chapter 10Vector Algebralemh204
Chapter 11Three-Dimensional Geometrylemh205
Chapter 12Linear Programminglemh206
Chapter 13Probabilitylemh207
Supplementary MaterialSupplementary Materiallemh2sm
PrelimsMATHEMATICS PART II Textbook for Class XIIlemh2ps